Manager: Meghan Degilio
Coordinator: Margaret Adolfson
Coordinator: Jenifer Manley
Coordinator: Aureliz Ortiz
Coordinator: Meggin Heller
Coordinator: Denise Ocasio
Coordinator: Jennifer Tomasello
Coordinator: Brittany MacGregor
ACE’s Approach to School Readiness means that children are ready for school, families are ready to support their children’s learning , and schools are ready for children. This Approach to School Readiness encompasses three major frameworks that promote an understanding of school readiness for parents and families, infants/toddlers, and preschoolers. The frameworks include the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework, Pennsylvania Learning Standards and Parent, Family, and Community Engagement Framework (PFC).
Our Early Learning Program offers Early Head Start (EHS) home based and center based programs for our youngest learners, (under 3 years). Center based classrooms offer children 3-5 years old a comprehensive education experience that focuses on all aspects of development including, nutrition, physical, cognitive, social and emotional,
Transition Services
Many transitions occur during a children’s lives. Within our ELP, transitions take place from the Pregnant Moms Program to EHS, from EHS to HS, community programs, or Pre-K Counts, from HS/Pre-K Counts into school age programs. It is important to plan activities to make these transitions a positive experience. ELP staff regularly discuss school readiness with families and options for the next educational placement for their children. A transition packet is completed and reviewed at monthly transition meetings to plan appropriately for children transitioning from EHS into preschool programs. Transition lessons are utilized with children in the home-based program to introduce children/families to rules, routines, visuals and expectations in a preschool classroom. Memorandums of Understanding are developed with area school districts that focus on transition. These include five basic areas - communication, sharing of information, meetings, joint training and coordination of services. With parent permission, transition packets, including a release of information, assessment results and child/family information are shared with receiving elementary schools.
Special Services
Early Learning Program serves as an inclusive educational setting for children with disabilities including those with severe disabilities. Ten percent of the total funded enrollment is reserved for children with special needs​. Assisting families through referrals, advocacy, locating, and providing services with outside agencies for children with special needs are important functions of this service area. Early Learning Program staff partners with parents to ensure that they are educated about their child’s disability, and are aware of the child’s right to the optimal education to meet their needs and goals.